Nov 24, 2018

Who Was Abraham?

1 Min Read

The Bible says that we are blessed because Abraham was blessed. Who was this man? And what did God promise him?

It’s important to remember that Abraham was a real person. He was a pivotal figure in world history because God made a covenant with him. God promised to make him a great nation and through this nation to bring blessing to the world (Gen. 12:2).

In today’s message from his video teaching series Dust to Glory, R.C. Sproul considers God’s faithfulness to this covenant. Two thousand years after Abraham, God fulfilled His promise to bless the nations with the coming of His Son and Abraham’s descendant: Jesus Christ.

Watch today’s message, or for a limited time, request your copy of the full teaching series Dust to Glory for a donation of any amount. You can also dig deeper into the Scriptures with the Reformation Study Bible.

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