Dec 23, 2020

Serving the Global Church through Trusted Resources

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“As long as I remember, we never had any website like this to provide solid and Reformed teaching in Farsi. We love R.C. Sproul because of his simplicity of explaining hard theological concepts. He is our favorite teacher. I am using the website’s content in my teaching and asking our underground churches to study through it.” —Ram, Iran

Ligonier’s international gospel outreach is expanding, serving as an oasis of truth for the global church. This year, more people than ever are seeking out our teaching and discipleship resources to help them grow in their knowledge of God, of themselves, and of their calling in this world. Through the support of friends like you, and in partnership with Christians around the world, many resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul and the Ligonier Teaching Fellows are being translated into many of the world’s most spoken languages.

Chinese Outreach

Our dedicated-language outreach in Chinese was launched in October. The Chinese Ligonier website,, is an online library of resources, featuring translated articles, dubbed video teaching series, study guides, books, and more.

This website, available in both simplified and traditional Chinese script, has been specially designed to provide download options in video and audio format so that messages can be viewed and shared offline. This helps Christians with limited internet options to access resources and to share them discreetly under the shadow of persecution. Series currently available include The Holiness of God and Chosen by God from R.C. Sproul.

We also recently launched our Chinese social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to share faithful Bible teaching to Chinese speakers around the world. And the work continues in earnest. Our first audiobook in Mandarin Chinese, Surprised by Suffering from Dr. R.C. Sproul, is now being recorded for free distribution in 2021.

French Outreach

Expansion of translated resources to serve trustworthy teaching for the French-speaking world also continues. Ligonier’s French website ( is updated with fresh content weekly, and we are active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thanks to our Canadian supporters through Ligonier Ministries Canada, we began translation of several titles from Dr. Sproul’s Crucial Questions series in French. These booklets are increasingly requested in several languages, offering succinct answers to common and challenging questions about the Christian faith.

French is currently the seventh most spoken language in the world. Please join us in praying that Ligonier resources can serve the church for many years to come as the need increases, especially with significant population growth expected in the French-speaking countries of North Africa.

Spanish and Portuguese Outreach

This fall saw the launch of the landmark Spanish edition of the Reformation Study Bible. We give thanks to God for the successful release of this pivotal work in Spanish, with a reprint already underway for many Latin American countries. In the coming months, we anticipate the release of the Reformation Study Bible in Portuguese.

Our online Reformation Day event for Latin America was streamed in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. The theme was Romans 8, and several Ligonier teaching fellows participated, as well as other gifted teachers from Latin America and Brazil. This innovative event generated considerable interest and enthusiasm among Christians in many different countries.

Arabic Outreach

An Arabic edition of the Ligonier Statement on Christology video is now available on YouTube. This video, which testifies eloquently to the person and work of Jesus Christ, has been widely shared on Ligonier’s Arabic Facebook page.

Two of Dr. Sproul’s classic video teaching series, The Holiness of God and Chosen by God, were recently dubbed in Arabic for the first time. This has taken place to help meet a rising demand for Christian resources in audio and video content as the availability of mobile devices and as access to the internet increases.

Farsi Outreach

Over the last twelve months, seven Ligonier teaching series have been dubbed in Farsi for satellite broadcast in Iran and surrounding countries. This outreach brings faithful teaching to many people who are suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus.

The list of broadcasted teaching series currently includes The Holiness of God, What Did Jesus Do?: Understanding the Work of Christ, Who Is the Holy Spirit?, The Attributes of God, The Book of Job, Basic Training, and Loved by God.

Help Us Reach More People with Trustworthy Teaching

Resources are currently being translated in many other languages, including Burmese, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Korean, modern Hebrew, and more. These outreaches would not be possible without your prayers and generous financial giving. Your support of Ligonier helps propel our international outreach. Thank you for helping to reach even more people around the world with the truth of God’s holiness and the gospel of His grace.

“It is a privilege for me to support the work Ligonier is doing to spread the good news about Jesus in the world. I found out about Dr. R.C. Sproul on my podcast app. Ever since, I have been blessed by his sermons and teachings on Jesus. This is really the least I can do. I’d love more people in the world to get access to these resources.” —Patrick, Cameroon